This page contains information about who made or contributed to Casual Pro Wrestling.
The Team
The team behind Casual Pro Wrestling is small:
Who? | Did What? |
Patrick Dinklage | Development, Design, Art, Animation, Music, SFX, German Translation, Manual |
Florian Losch | Design, Music, Testing |
Kirsten Wollny | Design, Testing |
Here and there, this manual is written in singular first person.
I am Patrick and do most of the work on the game, including writing up this manual!
Free assets licensed under attribution clauses
Casual Pro Wrestling is a low-budget game – less than 2K both figuratively and literally! Where absolutely needed, free assets are being used, some of which are licensed under attribution clauses. The following is an exhaustive list of these assets. The game contains …
- Fonts by Font Awesome released under SIL OFL 1.1
- Font Awesome Free Version 6.2.1
- Audio by REVEREND.BLACK released under CC BY 3.0
- REV GUITAR LOOPS 2, REV GUITAR LOOPS 3, REV GUITAR LOOPS 5, heavy hold loop 1, heavy loop 1, heavy loop 2
- Icons by Andy Meneely released under CC BY 3.0
- police-badge
- Icons by Cathelineau released under CC BY 3.0
- medusa
- Icons by Delapouite released under CC BY 3.0
- all-seeing-eye, anarchy, bat-mask, black-knight-helm, bow-tie-ribbon, carnival-mask, circle, clown, cobra, crosshair, devil-mask, dream-catcher, eight-ball, european-flag, female, fire-flower, g-clef, hammer-sickle, hemp, heptagram, holy-hand-grenade, horseshoe, ivory-tusks, jasmine, jason-mask, male, metroid, orange, panda, person, pineapple, piranha, pirate-flag, plain-circle, plain-square, plunger, rabbit-head, rattlesnake, revolver, rod-of-asclepius, round-star, ship-wheel, square, striped-sun, thor-hammer, triforce, unicorn, union-jack, usa-flag, viking-helmet, wireframe-globe, zigzag-hieroglyph
- Icons by Lorc released under CC BY 3.0
- anchor, ankh, barbed-wire, bat-wing, beast-eye, beer-stein, biohazard, bull-horns, cheese-wedge, chicken-leg, clover, cog, compass, cut-diamond, domino-mask, duality-mask, fluffy-trefoil, ghost, gold-scarab, grenade, hydra, jellyfish, jigsaw-piece, laurels, lotus, monkey, muscle-up, mushroom-cloud, octopus, ringed-planet, rocket, sad-crab, shark-jaws, shuriken, skull-crossed-bones, spider-web, spotted-mushroom, stag-head, tribal-mask, triple-scratches, turd, turtle-shell, unlit-bomb, wolf-head
- Icons by sbed released under CC BY 3.0
- battery-pack, big-egg, cancel, electric, flamer, health-normal, mass-driver, water-drop
- Icons by Skoll released under CC BY 3.0
- allied-star, balaclava, bat, clubs, diamonds, fangs, halt, hearts, iron-cross, nuclear-bomb, pentacle, spades
- Textures by Julio Sillet released under CC BY 4.0
- Fabric_denim_01, Leather_Base_01, Paper_Stylized_Pinata_01, Plastic_BubbleWrap_01
- 3D Models by Roy Sousa released under CC BY 4.0
- TransportCase